#oriented aroace reader
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unrestrainedbalderdash · 2 years ago
Queerplatonic Riddler x Reader fanfic
I am not a good writer. I am simply making this because I am an aroace who loves the Riddler and and desperate for fanfiction that isn't romantic or sexual and I want it to exist in the world.
This is a bit out of character because I am simply not smart enough to write a genius and I am also not very good at riddles.
Some of it is very contrived, in particular the "worldbuilding" had to be crammed into fitting a pattern for reasons, so it is very janky.
Allos are allowed to interact but PLEASE BE MINDFUL THAT THIS ISN'T FOR YOU.
Also I'm English so there may be a couple of covert language differences if you're American (eg: saw a post where apparently in the US "quite" means very whereas here it's much less intense than that)
Rating: Probably teen
Warnings: Swearing (S and F word), whump (hurt reader), violence and injury, implied ableism, near-death experiences, robberies and hostage situations (not very dangerous)
Reader insert info: Oriented aroace, quoiromantic, autistic (hyperfixating on Riddler)
Word count: 5022
Please don't give me loads of criticism I'm not releasing this to improve at writing I'm releasing this because there's no representation.
You sit in your room, reading the Gotham Gazette. A small smile appears on your face; the news keeps talking about the new crime spree, courtesy of the Riddler. You’re lying on your green bedcovers, kicking your feet and giggling. It is quite sad that his latest bank robberies are going to severely affect the economy, but… look at him. He looks so happy in the CCTV footage. His smile is the most precious thing you’ve ever seen. You love the newspaper, as long as you don’t read the articles. There’s a lot of speculation about his mental state, and, while you do agree that his mental state is probably not great, some of the speculation… it wouldn’t feel out of place on an Autism Speaks advert. You use permanent marker and doodle question marks to hide the more offensive articles. With everything that’s left, you cut it out, glaring at the scissors that are leaving jagged edges even though it is probably just a skill issue. You use Blu Tack to stick it onto the board with all of the other articles and pictures, and pick up those which fell off. Five crimes so far. You scan the articles. The names of the locations… there must be something… Classy and Elegant, a store for wedding clothes, with lots of money… House-Dealing Special Princesses, the estate agents for posh people… River Bank Tower, a tower that was a historic location for money laundering and was converted into a tourist attraction… Worshipping Mr Batman, a Batman fan club with a large following, as well as founders who got very rich… and Rose Petal Association, a very wealthy gardeners’ club. The letters… they feel… familiar…
You quickly open Wikipedia. Hands shaking – you don’t know if it’s from nerves or excitement – you search for Elgar’s Enigma Variations. Your eyes widen. Classy and Elegant – C.A.E! House-Dealing Special Princesses – H.D.S-P! R.B.T! W.M.B! R.P.A! His crimes are all after Elgar’s Enigma variations! You’re stimming, at having solved this riddle. But where will he strike next? The next piece… Ysobel…
You open Google Maps. This isn’t simple initials, the piece is named after a full name… You search around, trying to find something that fits Ysobel…
It’s the next day. As usual, it is raining. You’re carrying a green umbrella, and hoping that, if he does show up, he won’t realise that you carved the handle into the shape of a question mark. Anxiety fills you – the establishment which should be the next target, is very… suspicious. Why So Bell, a supposed bell manufacturer which everybody knows is really a front for one of the Joker gangs’ hideouts. You glance around, nervously. There are legitimate shops next door, it should be safe, it should be safe…
You’re hiding in a bush, shaking. It hurts, there are probably lots of bugs, but… you can’t just loiter in the open next to a Joker-affiliated operation, but… you have to see the Riddler’s next crime. Your umbrella is hidden with you in the bush. You’re getting uncomfortably wet. You don’t think your glasses will ever recover from this experience. Half an hour passes, and you watch as people come and go from the buildings. An obvious gang member leaves Why So Bell. You are shaking in the bush as she walks towards you. Does she see you? She’s coming closer. Closer. Closer.
She yanks you out by the tip of your umbrella. You look up at her sheepishly, trembling. She responds by punching you in the face.
You wake up, and your heart leaps as you see your favourite colour, green. Your heart is then filled with terror. The green isn’t from your many pictures of the Riddler, the green is from a massive vat of acid, and you’re dangling right over it. “Who the fuck d’you work for?!” the gang member asks. “N-N-NO-ONE! I’M N-NOT A GANG MEMBER! PLEASE! TH-THERE’S BEEN A TERRIBLE MISUNDERSTANDING!!” you squeak, terrified. The gang members – three of them – laugh at you. “Why were you hiding in that bush?!” a Joker goon shouts at you, as you feel yourself being lowered towards the acid, “You’re a spy, aren’t ya?!” “PLEASE! PLEASE! I W-WASN’T SPYING! PLEASE! I W-WAS… I WAS JUST HIDING IN THE BUSH, W-W-WAITING FOR SOMEONE!!” “Yer lying!”
Your vision is being consumed by green, and not in the usual Riddler hyperfixation way, but in the way that you are about to die. You are whimpering, trying desperately to stammer out an explanation, but there is no way to explain anything in a way that does not make you look like an alloromantic stalker…
Suddenly, the power cuts out. You scream, thinking that this the end. The Joker goons are shouting, confused. There are sounds of a scuffle, and one of their panicked yelling is cut short. The other two are fighting something. “B-Batman?” you shriek, terrified. Every time the Riddler goes to Arkham, he seems to come back worse. If Batman is here, he will surely arrest the Riddler and send him to Arkham yet again. The sounds of the scuffle stop. You wait, hyperventilating. This is very bad, as you are starting to breathe in the fumes of the acid. It’s rather funny that you solved the riddle, and now Batman came here to save you but will surely arrest the Riddler. You can’t help but laugh at the fact that you solved it for Batman, it’s so funny, he’s going to rot in Arkham! Ha! You’re being lifted up, taken away from the green, just like how your hopes of ever seeing the silly green man have gone away! Now you’re being picked up! It’s funny, Batman’s arms seem nowhere near as muscular as they should be! Isn’t it funny that you’re still in the dark, the Dark Knight hasn’t turned the light on, because dark! Ha! Get it? “Ha… I’ve already done the work, Batman!” you laugh. “Don’t compare me to that pathetic man,” your saviour replies. It’s hilarious, you’re such an idiot, you’re stupid! You’re a fool! You’re just as pathetic as Batman! What even is a Bat Man meant to be, anyway? And now, this man is holding you! From what you can see, the glow of the acid is turning his outfit green! Oh, what’s that silly symbol on his outfit?! Haha! The little question marks in your brain, and now there’s a big one on this man’s spandex! Hahaha! You’re an idiot! An idiot who didn’t realise you finally got to meet your hero! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! He thinks you’re so stupid! He can hear you mumbling about how stupid you are, you’re really not helping things, this is so funny, he’s going to hate you! And now, everything’s going dark like your future! Ha! Ha… Ha… Ha…………..
You’re in a hospital bed. Next to you is your umbrella. “You’re awake,” the nurse says, looking at you with concern. “Wh… what happened..?” “Someone found a note leading to you. You were passed out… Joker chemicals…” Your eyes widen. “J-Joker?! Is… are there gonna be lasting effects?!” “You might be more prone to fits of laughter, but that’s all.”
In the evening, you’re released from the hospital. You walk home, holding your umbrella. You feel an irregularity on the handle, and carefully take your finger away from it. Your heart leaps; there, on the handle… a small question mark, engraved into the wood. You stand there for a little while, shaking, your mouth open in what could be a smile. What could this mean?
You return home, giggling. You walked past Troyte Bank on the way, Troyte being the next piece in the Enigma variations. There also seems to be a pattern to the timing of the robberies – the next is going to be at some point between 1 and 1:30. You’re shaking. You could go to the bank at 1. You… you could see him… you could be in the bank while it’s being robbed… a bank robbery would be very scary, but you could see him! Being an innocent bystander in one of the Riddler’s very own crimes… the thought makes you giddy with excitement. You’re giggling again; the exposure to the fumes of the Joker chemical has evidently given you this new habit. You sound like a teenage girl talking with friends about a cute boy. Your laughter turns more nervous. What will people think when they hear your giggling? They’ll think you’re weird…
They already do, though…
It’s 1PM. You step into the bank from the rain of Gotham, clutching your umbrella, biting your lip to stop yourself from giggling. You loiter near the side, doing your best to not look suspicious, waiting for him… After three minutes, the door opens, and five goons holding machine guns enter the building, along with him. The Riddler, wearing his iconic green spandex, with the purple belt, and the large black question mark on the front. There are little question marks in lines down the sides of the arms and legs. He’s wearing his mask and gloves, of matching shades of purple. The spandex… doesn’t leave much to the imagination. You can tell that he is quite muscular, although not nearly as muscular as people renowned for strength, such as Batman. “I’m tough and elastic, but you have left! O! What am I? A robbery!” he exclaims, gleefully. You can’t help but smile at his wide grin. He twirls his cane as the gunmen usher everyone in the bank to the side. The gunmen tell everyone to kneel, and you kneel down, clutching your umbrella. An old man grunts from having to kneel. The Riddler looks at the group. “Tell you what. Anyone who can answer any riddles will be allowed to stand up!” he says, taking out some cards from within his belt and giving them to one of his goons, whispering instructions for the order they get distributed in. He and two of the goons walk into the vault, and are presumably taking the loot, while one of the goons points his gun at the bank staff, one points his gun at the group, and the last one is handing out the riddles. You receive your card with the riddle on it. You read the riddle: What can be gentle as the wind, or as all-consuming as fire, as strong as a mountain, as beautiful as a sapphire? “Is it love?” you ask shyly, before he has even finished handing out the riddles. He walks over to you, and reads the riddle. After a little pause, he grunts and nods, and walks off. You start to stand up, and glance at the old man next to you who is struggling. “The answer’s water,” you murmur in his ear. He rereads the riddle, and then gives his answer to the goon, who has now finished handing out the riddles. He is allowed to stand, and you wait for the goons to glance away, then give another person an answer. “My, my, you’re very good at solving other peoples’ riddles, aren’t you?” a soft voice says in your ear. You squeak. It’s him. You can feel yourself trembling nervously, he’s so close, he has a smirk on his face. The Riddler gives you a wink, and moves away. He leaves with the goons and the loot he has stolen.
That night, you go home, shaking. You’re filled with emotions, and they’re scaring you. You… you think you might… love him… you’re not sure what kind of attraction you feel… and it’s scary. He means a lot to you, and you want him to know how you feel, but you don’t even really know how you feel. You go and print out the page for Oriented Aroace on the LGBTQIA Wiki. You get out a pen and paper, and start making a diagram, with some bars, each corresponding to a different type of attraction, the main ones you can think of. For the bar about sexual attraction, you can easily put NO in capital letters. For sensual attraction, you fill it quite high. You pause, and decide to write definitions for the types of attraction. You reach romantic attraction, and hesitate. What is romantic attraction? Romance is entirely a social construct… how does one define it? After a minute of trying to think, you just fill it with question marks and print out the wiki page for quoiromantic. You start writing: “I don’t know what romantic attraction is meant to feel like. I don’t feel it usually, but you make me feel something I’ve never felt before, and I can’t tell if it’s a cross between hyperfixation and alterous attraction, or if this is what romance feels like.” You glare at the paper. You genuinely can’t tell if it’s you finally feeling romantic attraction for one person, or if it’s internalised amatonormativity and you’re just hyperfixating and have tertiary attractions. All you know is… that you love him…
The next day – another rainy one - is here. You’re loitering inside Without Nines, a casino, when he comes in, with several gunmen. There are also two women, dressed in spandex with question marks – Query and Echo. The Riddler is wearing a very dapper green suit with black question marks, along with a purple and blue waistcoat with question mark shapes. His light green tie is embroidered with purple question marks, and he wears a green bowler hat with a purple ribbon and a black question mark, the colours matching the rest of his outfit. His shirt is black, and he wears purple gloves and his purple mask. A little smile plays upon his face as everyone in the casino immediately panics, at his mercy. Guards immediately try to fight him, but the gunmen fire some warning shots. “Ah ah ah! I’m going to take a hostage! And if you don’t let me take the money, you’ll find yourselves riddled with bullets!” he says, smiling smugly. Your heart leaps as he starts walking straight towards you. You let out a little squeak as he hooks his cane around your arm, and pulls you towards him. You’re shaking, and do a little giggle, nervous. This is it. He’s noticed you. He’s taken you hostage. And all you can do is giggle like a lunatic. The Riddler is giggling slightly, as he unhooks his cane from your arm, and puts his arm around your shoulders, pointing the cane under your throat threateningly. You can feel the cold metal against your neck. With some of his goons following, he walks through the casino, holding you close to him, letting everyone know that he could kill you if they don’t let him rob the place. And yet, he gives you a gentle squeeze, and something tells you that he isn’t going to hurt you. Query and Echo force a staff member to open the vault.
He lets out a giggle as the group walk into the vault. You let out a little gasp as you see how much money there is. The Riddler chuckles. “Impressed?” he says in your ear with a low voice. He walks in front of you, and looks at your awestruck face. You’re trembling, he’s looking at you, all you can do is stare at the money like an idiot. He giggles. “Alright, then. Looting this place might take a while, so we may as well get comfortable,” he says, a smile on his lips. The regular gunmen start taking the money, while Query and Echo stay on guard at the vault’s entrance. The Riddler puts his hand on your shoulder and pushes down to make you sit on the floor. You let out a little giggle. He sits down, facing you, and holds his cane, resting it against your neck, presumably to establish some threat. “Well, then. Riddle me this. Why hasn’t Batman caught me yet?” he asks. You squeak delightedly when he says it. He laughs a little, a laugh that makes your heart feel so light. He looks happy. “Go on. I’ve seen you three times, now. You’ve solved my riddle…” he says, leaning in. “Not just anyone can do that.” You start giggling uncontrollably. You feel light. He leans back a bit, waiting for you to regain your composure. “Are you always this giggly? Is it from the Joker chemicals? Or… maybe… just maybe… is it only when you see me?” he asks, winking. You giggle more. “Ha! Ha! Hahahahaha! It’s J-J-Joker… ha! Joker chemicals! Ha ha!” you laugh. He looks at you, sympathetic, and puts a hand on your shoulder. Your giggling gets worse, and you feel yourself blushing, and he immediately pulls his hand away. He waits quietly for you to calm down, as his men continue emptying the vault. He pulls you to your feet, and whispers into your ear. “I only have two more robberies in this plan. That’s the… initial… idea…” he whispers. He’s so close to you, you can feel his breath on your ear. He gives a flamboyant twirl of his cane, and holds you menacingly again, putting his cane back to your throat. “Well then, my little hostage, it’s soon time for me to set you free,” he says, giving his handsome smile. You giggle, and blush slightly. You’re looking up at him, and he looks down at you. He lets out a little laugh. “You’re rather adorable,” he says. You squeak, and blush much more. He giggles. “Well, I’ll give you some time to regain your composure, haha,” he says, backing away slightly. You take deep breaths, and eventually calm down. He holds you again, and the group leaves the vault. He places you back with the other civilians, and moves away, his demeanour much more menacing… “Alright! And, just to seal this wondrous little robbery, everyone will give me one of their valuables!” he says, laughing. He looks so happy… you can’t help but smile… He takes peoples’ necklaces as they tremble, a pair of earrings, some fancy brooches… he reaches you, and smiles. You already know what he wants, and you shyly hold the umbrella. Your eyes meet as he wraps his hand around the handle, your grip lingering. He takes it from you, giggling, and continues taking other peoples’ valuables.
The next day, you’re walking through the streets of Gotham, giggling excitedly. Today is going to be the day you come out to him. You spent yesterday evening getting ready to tell him, getting ready to speak. You’ve simplified your explanation considerably. You can’t help but giggle at the fact that you’re going to see him, and tell him everything… maybe… maybe he was impressed by your ability to predict his crimes when even Batman couldn’t… “Hey, what’s that dumb smile on your face for?!” a menacing voice says. A gang of thugs surrounds you. You go pale. “Well? Why you giggling? You think you’re the Joker or some shit?!” he shouts. You look around, desperate for help. Citizens are walking away, only glancing for some spectacle. A furtive woman in a green coat opens her phone and points it at you – is she going to record this?! “Uh, heehee, I, I d-don’t wanna f-fight… it’s… ha… I inhaled some Joker fumes… p-please… haha… don’t h-hurt me…” “You won’t be smiling when we’re done with you!” a thug says, elbowing you in the abdomen and sending you staggering back. Tears are streaming down your face. You’re missing the Riddler’s robbery, surely he’ll think you’re an idiot, he’s going to hate you- you’re punched in the face, and sobbing. They keep punching you, keep kicking you, keep kicking you. Whack. Whack. Whack. It hurts. You feebly try to hold up your arms to block their blows, but they easily shatter your defences. You’re bleeding now. It hurts so much. They kick your legs, and you crash down to the ground, crying. They get their weapons out… one of them has a hammer… You can hear the crunch of your bones as your legs shatter. You can only whimper as one gets out her knife, and stabs you in the abdomen. You’re screaming. “PLEASE STOP! I D-D-DIDN’T DO ANYTHING TO YOU!!” you cry as they keep hitting you. Your vision goes black. This is it, you’re going to die… “LEAVE THEM ALONE!”  a voice shouts. They stop, tense. Your head is bleeding, you can’t think straight, but… it sounds… familiar… Your vision is lit up with blue, as something fires electricity at the thugs. They shriek, and run away, leaving you. There are murmurs among the onlookers. You can feel hands slide underneath your body, as your saviour picks you up. He’s walking quickly. “Hey… hey… please… please talk to me…” he says. Your vision is starting to return, and you can see the Riddler, tears streaming down his face. “Sorry…” you say weakly. “It’s alright, it’s alright, none of this is your fault, please don’t apologise for anything, you will be safe,” he says, voice cracking. “I w-was gonna be there… I… I promise I’m not stupid…” “Oh… oh, baby… I already know you’re not stupid. Shh… everything’s going to be okay…” he says, holding you close as he walks. He is thinking. “Alright… you need me on the fairway, you need me for luck, but when you have me you’re well and truly fucked, what am I?” “Uh… uh… uh… a… a stroke?” you answer. He strokes your hair with his soft hands. He’s wearing a green suit, this time with a purple shirt that’s only buttoned 2/3 of the way, showing off his chest and collarbones. His hat is at a jaunty – no, messy – angle, and his mask is streaked with tears.
He enters a building. You can’t read the sign, but you can tell the initials are E.D.U. It’s dark, this building must be a repurposed warehouse. It’s quiet, except for your whimpering, and his heavy breathing, and quick footsteps. He continues stroking your hair, his hands shaking. He sets you down, and rolls up your shirt, and you can hear his sharp intake of breath. “Uh… okay… this looks bad… I’m going to have to stitch your wound…” he says. You shudder, and he picks you up. “It’s going to be okay… I promise.” He rushes into the bathroom, lays you into the bathtub and turns the tap on, rinsing the wound under the water. He gives your hair a pat, and starts preparing his first aid equipment, sterilising a needle and thread. He holds your hand, and cleans your wound as you whimper. He takes you out of the bathtub, and lays you down, using a towel to dry you. “Listen, you’ll be okay, I promise,” he says. He starts rubbing some cream around your wound, and you feel yourself going numb. He starts stitching, and you’re crying. “Shh… shh… uh… what’s so fragile that saying its name breaks it?” “S-s-silence…” you respond. He nods, and keeps stitching. “You’re a smart cookie, you know?” His words make your heart leap. He keeps stitching. “I do mean it. I really do… I’m almost done with the stitches…” After what feels like an eternity, he finishes, and smiles at you, taking his gloves off. “The worst bit’s over,” he says, stroking your hair. He bandages the area. Now that the worst part is over, you start to appreciate the softness of his hands. You realise he is wearing green nail polish, with a purple question mark on each finger. He finishes bandaging you. “All done!” he says, giving you a headpat, making you giggle. He gives you a warm smile. Your giggling dies down as the exhaustion starts to really hit you. You pass out.
When you open your eyes, you’ve been tucked into a soft, green bed, covered in purple question marks. “You’re awake!” he says, reminiscent of a puppy who just saw a friend. On top of his outfit from before, he’s wearing a knitted jumper, green with purple question marks, it looks so soft. You’re still in pain, but you blush a little, as he reaches out with his hand, then pauses. “Um, would it be comforting if I held your hand?” Your heart leaps, and you nod, giggling. He gently takes your hand in his, and smiles softly. It’s so soft, it distracts you from some of the sharp pain you feel all over your body. “Um… th-thank you…” you mumble. “Hey. I had to save you, you’re like a good luck charm at this point. It… it’s not right when you’re not there,” he says softly, stroking your hand gently. You squeak, giggling. He looks at you, a little smile on his face. “So why do you keep following me? Is it gratitude for me saving you from Joker’s gang? Are you trying to prove your intelligence against the smartest man in Gotham? Or maybe… something else?” he asks in his soft voice, winking at the end. You giggle nervously, trying to collect yourself. “I… I… heehee… hahaha… you’re… hahahahaha…” You’re shaking, nervous, and he can tell. He gently strokes your hand, a comforting smile on his face. “It’s okay… take your time…” “Ha… ha… haha… YOU’RE MY SPECIAL INTEREST!” you blurt out. His eyes are wide, and he looks very surprised. You laugh nervously. “Like autism?” he asks, his smile widening. You nod, cursing yourself for being so blunt and probably making a fool of yourself – he’s smiling wide and crying tears of joy. His leg is bouncing. “Hahahaha I need to come out hahahahaha I’m an oriented aroace I hahahaha don’t feel romantic or sexual attraction but I’m feeling other types of attraction to you,” you say, shaking. He has a little pause of processing this, and smiles. “Hey, you’re valid! So, uh, what other types of attraction do you feel?” he asks, giving a good-natured smile. “Hahahaha I feel sensual attraction where I want to touch you and I feel alterous attraction which is uh it’s an emotion attraction that isn’t exclusively romantic or platonic haha and maybe I feel aesthetic attraction hahahaha,” you say, trembling. He grins, and giggles. “You’re quite the riddle, aren’t you? I’ve taken quite a liking to you,” he says, his smile lighting up your world. The way his eyes light up fills your heart with joy. He gives your hand a gentle squeeze. “You’re so precious. Seriously, you’re one of the most adorable people ever. Seeing you during my crimes… well, now I know how Ozzie feels about seeing birds. You’re like… a little friend…” You let out a squeak, and he laughs. “You’re so cute… may I put my hand on your face?” he says. You nod, giggling, as he cups your head in his hands. “How do you feel about eye contact?” he asks. “Haha! I’m okay making eye contact with people I like!” you respond. There is a pause, as he slowly moves his eyes towards you.
“And… do you… like me?” he asks.
You look into his eyes. Both of you giggle. He gently strokes your hair. “Is this okay, d… may I call you dear?” Your heart leaps, and your mouth hangs open in disbelief. “Haha! I, ha, uh, haha it’s okay! Ha… uh… haha… what… w-what’s… what… what are we?” you ask, blushing slightly. There is a pause, as he thinks. “You seem to be my biggest fan, and I find you simply adorable. I’ll do anything to make you feel comfortable. I’ll look after you… Batman almost caught me last time, so I have plenty of free time…” “What… what happened? Wh-what did I miss?” You feel a little sting at the memory. The pain is coming back, and you can feel tears forming. He wipes the tears from your eyes. “I started the robbery… everything was in place, I had the plan, but… it didn’t feel the same, without you. What takes deep hold and becomes every day, and without it the tree will fall?” “Uh… root… routine?” “Exactly. Seeing you, it’s become part of my routine… you hold a place in my heart… I… my plans, I started planning for you…” You look at him, in awe. Somehow, the biggest genius ever, your hero… has been thinking about you. “Wow…” is all you can say. You’re not even giggling anymore, you’re just repeating the word. He ruffles your hair. “We Rogues, not many people like us. It’s been a long time since I’ve had such a devoted fan… and you solved my plan faster than Batman… you can understand how much that means to me, right?” he says, seeming… nervous? The confidence is gone, he looks… anxious… like he needs reassurance. “You’re… haha… my… ha-ha-hero…” you say. His eyes light up, and he nods his head rapidly. “Um… is it alright if I give you a kiss on the forehead?” he asks. You nod, and start giggling again, as he gently puts his hand behind your head. He gives you a soft kiss on the forehead, making sure to avoid the bandage which you finally notice. He’s so gentle, and the tender kiss is taking away the pain you feel. He lets go, and looks down, into your wide eyes. “With skill, I am paid to save. What am I?” “… Protect?” He nods. “I want to protect you… you’re… you’re too precious. I’ll find the people who did this to you…” he says, wrapping his arms around you, looking into your eyes to gauge your reaction. You have a tired look in your eyes, as you lean into him. “I… I have something for you…” He reaches down, and holds your umbrella. Your crude attempt of carving the handle into a question mark shape has now been greatly polished, but most importantly, it has been covered in vibrantly-coloured question marks. “It’s… beautiful…” “A beautiful umbrella for a beautiful mind, from an even more beautiful mind,” he says, as you relax in his arms and make a contented little humming noise. He gently strokes your hair, and you fall asleep in the Riddler’s arms, your head buried in his chest.
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idk-maybe-i-did-it · 1 year ago
When you have an aroace person writing a romance fanfic and they end up trying to make the characters get eloped and be queerplatonic partners who parent the kid of her best friend who’s dead 👍👍
Gotta love being aroace
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sarcodyne · 9 months ago
YES YES YES I also want more platonic reader insert fanfics!!! I WANNA GO ON A WALK OR HAVE TEA OR PLAY VIDEO GAMES WITH MY FAV CHARACTERS plssss :’(
Being in Fandom is so weird as an aroace
Allos be like "she could F me" "I wanna marry him!" "Oh they are so hot"
And I'm like "that's my dad, that's my other dad, that's my older brother, that's my mom, that's my sister..." like a little kid playing house
[Yes the dads are gay for each other <3]
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boneless-mika · 1 year ago
The stupidest part of tumblr blocking is people you block can still see your posts. So anyway if any of the aphobes are watching still (they did seem more obsessive than even me) I’m still aromantic! And attracted to fictional characters so there’s more fuel for your anger
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mylavellan · 1 year ago
Okay let me talk about it.
Like everytime a character is canonized aroace people started to get annoying about it, shouting that aroace people can have relationships and if you are uncomfortable with them being shipped with another character you’re aro/ace-phobic.
Don’t get me wrong, they (we) can have relationships but I don’t think this is what people are uncomfortable about.
I personally think the problem is that you (generic person, not you reader) don’t really care that they are aroace. You don’t try to understand aromanticism or asexuality, you only use them to defend your ship.
What I’m saying is sure you can ship them, there’s no problem, but please at least try to understand it, try to talk to aroace people to know better the subject, most of all if you’re a fanfiction writer.
Sure, there’s aspec people too whose ship aroace characters, I’m not saying they don’t or that they shouldn’t, but I’m not talking about them now.
Not use the aroace spectrum just when it’s convenient to you, remember that it’s an important trait of the character.
Let’s not erase a sexual/romantic orientation that it’s so under represented and let’s use this “opportunity” to learn something more about aspectrum.
so, ship anyone you want, but try to contextualize it.
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changeling-ethereal · 1 year ago
Reader // Seeds of Doubt // Husk
A few words from author: Hello there everyone, I'm back again! ^^
This time I'm feeling a bit better, and I'm presenting you a new fanfic format I'm trying out: Scenarios!
It's a bit different from what and how I usually write but I hope you'll still like it. ^^"
Type: Scenario
Scenario summary: You are Alastor's s/o, but he can sometimes make insensitive comments, so his dearest friend Husker reassures you about Alastor's feelings towards you,
Settings: Fully platonic
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
!TRIGGER WARNING!: Swear words used, light mention of alcohol consumption, typical things one can expect with Husk and Alastor, Reader doubts Alastor's love for them, Husk talks shit about Alastor for a bit but he still comforts reader, Alastor is a little shit and plants doubt into Reader's head for his own amusement, that should be all!
Sidenote: I included reader having doubts because of Alastor being aroace because it made sense in the scenario but I truly hope it didn't offend anyone - I'm ace and possibly on the aro spectrum too, so I really didn't mean to misrepresent the spectrums or anything!! I meant well I swear >-<,
Sidenote: Reader is written as gender neutral, but if the reader description leans more towards feminine sense it's purely unintentional and I apologize!
Sidenote: The editing on phone will be the end of me one day,
That should be all,
Hope you'll enjoy, <3
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Slouched at the bar, a drink is in your hand,
You're lost in thought,
It's not often you're found like this,
On the contrary, actually,
It's rare for you to sit down and hope to get lost in your drink to avoid your thoughts,
But sometimes Alastor can be rather insensitive,
He can say and do things that hurt and that plant little seeds of doubt in your head,
And whether that'd be deliberately or accidentally is up for a debate,
This time it was about him being aromantic asexual,
He made a comment that suggested him being with you just for pure entertainment, not for affection or anything else because he, as he phrased it: "doesn't feel the need for it after all",
And that didn't feel nice,
Not at all,
Again, he could be just messing with you,
Or maybe he didn't mean for his words to come off that way,
But still,
You worried there might be some truth to his words,
And again, Alastor being on the aroace spectrum didn't mean he felt nothing towards you,
It didn't mean he couldn't feel affection for you or anything similar,
And it definitely didn't mean you two couldn't be in a relationship!
That's why you tried to drink your worries away,
Because you knew they were just that, just worries,
Just thoughts you should pay no attention to,
However, you'd be lying if you said his orientation didn't play into your doubts after his playful but not so kind words,
And maybe that was his goal,
To have you all tense and on your feet, thoughts running wild,
But it still didn't make you feel any better,
And so, you just downed your drink, trying to ease up,
"One more... please," you told Husk who was behind the bar, watching your anxiety eat away at you,
"Geez, the fuck's wrong with you? You never order more than one," Husk commented, though he didn't sound like he actually cared to hear you out,
However, it was obvious he wasn't too indifferent towards you,
He remembered you weren't really a drinker, after all, which was nice to know,
"Nothing much..." you told him with a sigh, "Just overthinking...",
"Yeah, you look the part, you look like a fucking mess" Husk replied, borderline on insulting,
But you've learnt to not take it to heart,
This was just the Husk fashion of talking to people,
Silence then enveloped the two of you, and Husk poured you another glass,
Neither of you spoke until your thoughts got way too bad to ignore,
And you asked Husk a question, desperate to ease your worries,
Even if you knew that Husk was the least person you should go to with such question,
"Do you think Alastor keeps me around just for amusement...?" you asked softly,
And Husk looked a little surprised, before a scowl found its way onto his face again,
"You're seriously asking that just now after dating that piece of shit for months?" he scoffed,
And you looked down,
Husk frowned then, and gave a long sigh,
"Damn, you really are a case..." he muttered before sighing more and rubbing his face,
"What'd that asshole do now?" he questioned, an eyebrow raised,
And while he didn't sound all that much like he cared, you still took the chance to get things off your chest,
"He just... hinted I might be nothing more than just a source of amusement for him," you explain, gaze fixated on your drink,
And once again, Husk sighed, muttering: "Of course that piece of shit would do that, even to his own partner,",
Husk then exhaled through his nose before pinching the bridge of it and speaking again,
"Alright, listen, I hate that son of a bitch more than anything," he started,
"and it's not my fucking job to save his ass and relationship," he paused,
"but I'm gonna do him a favour and cut him some slack,",
Then he sighed and continued: "He does care for you... I mean, I can't say I'm 100% sure, after all that guy's all about messing with people and their emotions,",
"but... from what I can tell, you mean a lot to him..." Husk told you, looking you in the eyes, looking sincere,
"And while I don't think that asshole has anything close to a heart," he sighed lowly, "I guess he wouldn't go as far as to pretend to love someone just for a few laughs...",
"especially not to someone who's proven to be a nice person and a good friend," he told you, shaking his head a little before grabbing the first glass you emptied and beginning washing it,
And doing so, he continued speaking: "He's got some decency... at least I guess he does,",
"But honestly, you should talk to him about this," Husk advised, looking at you seriously, "that's a part of relationships, talking bout feelings, setting boundaries and shit...",
"He's a fucked up, messed up in the head sadist, but I'm sure if you'll be honest with him and tell him how his comments affect you, he'll change his ways..." Husk told you before pausing and thinking,
Then he thought out loud: "Yeah, he'll probably find another way of fucking with ya head, but it'll definitely be less harmful and damaging than what's he's doing now,",
"Of course, I can be wrong about him and this whole thing, I wouldn't be surprised," Husk stated, lifting his hands in surrender as if wanting to decline any responsibility from his advices,
"but... judging by how he acts n all, he does like you in some way... even if just in his own twisted way," he eventually told you then shrugged and again focused on the glass in his hand,
And you were left with lips slightly parted because you've not expected Husk to say anything of what he's just told you,
You were actually prepared for a rant about how much he hates Alastor and how much stupid you are for dating him,
But not this,
You were not prepared for this,
And you were quite pleasantly surprised,
Because hearing reassurance coming from Husk's mouth was a nearly nonexistent occurrence,
And that alone assured you that his words were genuine and meant something,
Even if everything was said in typical Husk fashion,
And, for the first time since sitting down at the bar, you smiled,
You smiled and gazed at Husk with appreciation,
"Thanks, Husk, I needed that," you told him lowly, making him scoff,
"Yeah, yeah, you're welcome or whatever, just don't pull any hugging shit on me or some other mushy bullshit," he scoffed, rolling his eyes,
Then he sighed,
"Now get your ass off that barstool and go talk to that fucken asshole," he ushered you, making a shoo motion with his clawed hand,
And you smiled again, knowing that Husk meant well despite acting rather rude and aloof,
But deciding to heed Husker's words, you nodded and got up from your seat,
"Yeah, yeah, you're right, I should go talk to him," you nodded with a playful smile at Husk's attitude,
"I'll be going now, and you can pour the rest of my drink down the drain," you told him before heading out of the room,
"And thanks again!" you called before rounding the corner and disappearing from sight,
And Husk rolled his eyes again,
But deep down he was glad he managed to comfort you,
Despite you not knowing it, you were quite a good influence on Alastor,
And Husker truly hoped you would continue to cling to the Radio demon's arm even if Lucifer himself put obstacles in the way,
Or well... even if Alastor was the one putting obstacles in the way...
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asexualfactoftheday · 11 days ago
S.L Dove's Aro books are on sale now, in a bundle for $16! You get to keep them all forever, put them on any e-reader you own, and Dove gets more money from the sale!
Check it out here!
A Promise Broken: Aroace deuteragonist just doing his best to be a good single dad.
Heart of the Covenant: Hedriar and Seili (both arospec) are in a qpr
Rapunzel, Rapunzel: The aromantic friendship break-up poetry collection/fairy tale retelling you didn't know you wanted
Sea Foam and Silence: Ace and arospec Little Mermaid meets aroace prince (and a lesbian princess)! For those of you who wanted to see the explicitly ace version of this tale. (Well, one version anyway. Hopefully more authors will follow!)
The Ice Princess's Fair Illusion: Edel is the aroace queen I didn't have growing up. Marian is allo ace, so you also get your sapphic mismatched orientation relationship in this!
The Shimmering Prayer of Sûkiurâq: Allo aro lead because maybe, hear me out, magical girl stories that want to centre friendship should... idk... actually do that instead of narratively shunting romantic relationships onto the very top of what matters anyway.
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rorichuu · 1 year ago
Hello! If it's not too troublesome, I'd like to request a head cannon/reaction to all the TF2 mercs with a partner super sensitive to touch!, specific around the neck, back and hips!
I'd like this to be male oriented please!
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𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑 ; 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐬 𝐱 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
pairing: all mercs x m!reader
authors note: some romantic, some not... but i recently got back into my tf2 phase so please excuse if I'm a bit rusty (especially with soldier's, I'm still learning how to write him)... hope you enjoy it!
disclaimer: as someone who hc's pyro as aroace, i will be making their's platonic... i hope this is alright! but if you were especially looking forward to pyro's, i can make an edit or two to fix that for ya.
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personally, i see scout being a very physical lover. (nothing sexual, just light touches, holding your hand, leaning against you, etc.)
so, when he found out you were sensitive to his touch, he LOVED it.
he especially loves how much of a reaction it gets out of you, really.
whenever you're on the battlefield, he'll most definitely run past you (only if you're in the safe) and graze your lower back.
one time he even started to backpedal as soon as he did so, all to just see your reaction... he loves it!
a personal favorite headcanon of mine is that he's an ass tapper...
i don't make the rules, sorry.
not a very huge physical touch guy, i'll be honest.
in the romantic aspect of it, anyway.
he shows his affection through acts of service!
but he's pretty big into roughhousing/wrestling!
once you two, and a few other mercs, were participating in a good ol' arm wrestling contest
so far, heavy has won (quite obviously)... but he was voted out pretty fast since it was mad unfair (we love you tho, sorry heavy)
but, the person who was winning so far was soldier... and scout had failed miserably against him for the 20th time
"that's dumb! i won fair and square! he just cheated, did ja' see that?!"
scout went flexing for a good 2 minutes before it came up to you
soldier saw you approach and he had the DUMMBBESSSTT SMILE ON HIS FACE
his heart melts to honey whenever he sees you I swear
but anyway
it was your turn and you had quite a determined expression on your face
you were hand-in-hand and the other mercs were shouting for either one of you
while the mix of chorals of cheers were sung in the room, you had mustered just about all your strength to slam his fist into the table
get the man a cold rag he's burning up
but once you two pulled away, soldier grazed just below your inner palm; your wrist where it bends.
all of a sudden, all noise started to fade out
your face was BEET red and your hand was massaging your wrist
soldier started to notice the state you were in just after he picked you up and started cheering: "THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND!!!!" so proud
but when he noticed you, he was asking what was wrong... but you just shrugged it away and tried to hide your face
. . .
tbh, he didn't quite understand what got you so blushy that day... and it was sticking with him the entire week
when he asked you why you were, you explained it to him... and he very bluntly asked if he could keep touching you like that (ONLY IF YOU LIKED IT! if you don't, he made it his sworn duty to give you your space!!)
if you agreed and said it was alright, he'd find ways to just hold ya :)
he loves you so much I'm gonna explode
again, to me, pyro is aroace! meaning, i don't see pyro being in a romantic nor sexual relationship with anyone.
but they LOVE physical touch
they love hugs, leaning against you, or just holding your hand
but when you two were on the field, on a particularly hot day, there was a fly claimed on your neck.
their immediate thought is to help! so, with those big gloves of theirs, they graze your neck to successfully drive the pest away! woohoo!!! but also... why were you so flushed?
"mmph, mphhr, mphr!?" worried they might've done something wrong, they asked what was the matter/if you were okay.
understanding the tone in their voice, you waved your hand in a 'don't worry about it' manner... but you ended up explaining your sensitivities.
pyro understood!
and whether you like physical touch or not, pyro holds your hand/tries their best to keep their distance the best they can
(and if you don't like it, sometimes engineer has to remind pyro (they forget sometimes)... but they mean so well!!!!!!)
SO TOUCHY (especially when he's drunk)
loves your flushed face whenever he grazes your hips (hip/thigh lover, can't tell me otherwise)... he gets absolutely drunk off your reaction
referencing back to him being a complete thigh lover, I'm not even joking, he could drown in your thighs
if y'all ever get intimate: kisses. every. where.
so he's always touching you whenever he can
demo always has a hand on your hips somehow... whether it's him absolutely plastered and holding you from behind, rubbing your waist, or any way he can get his hands on you... he's there.
but, when demo is sober, he's more lovey than passionate (lol)
he's either rubbing your back or has his hand on your thigh
if anything, it's more of a comfort to him to always be holding you somehow
tbh, heavy grazed your hip on accident
not even joking, he passed right by you (and since the man is a literal giant) the knuckle of his hand grazed you
you let out a gasp, making the man turn to you with a raised eyebrow
he questioned why you were so flustered... he apologized right? did he hurt you?
since he's so big, he worries if he'll hurt you (especially if you're hugging or shaking hands (platonic or not))... so he's always aware of his strength
when you explain to him that you have places where you’re particularly sensitive… he understood
ohhh yeah, now we're getting to my favorite merc MUWHAHWAHHA
but anyway
engineer is a very polite man! southern hospitality all the way.
one time you were in a pretty deep conversation with pyro, listening closely and intently to every word they spoke
but you were also in the way of the hallway... engineer swiftly laid a hand on your back, whispering a small: "'Scuse me, honey bee..." before slipping past the two of you
didn't notice it AT ALL
bro just kept on walking
he didn't think ANYYYTHING of it
he was just tryna pass by his boyfriend... nothing much right?
but engie kept on doing it! whenever he had to slip past you or silently greet you, he'd rest a hand on your lower back or graze your shoulder with his palm
...but he did notice it the dozenth time.
engineer noticed the way your eyes darting elsewhere, the flushed cheeks and your biting your lip... it was obvious you were very sensitive to his touch
and if you didn't show him you disliked it otherwise (and if you did, he'd most definitely stop doing it without your permission or desire to) he'd keep finding ways to touch you
he'd act all smooth about it too, like he didn't do anything
"What's the matter, darlin'? ... dunno what you're talkin' about."
but if you confronted him he'd prob smother you in kisses
he loves you so much he's gonna evaporate
y'all had a scheduled check-up
every merc does
and it was your turn in line
it was simple! check your heart, your reflexes... the gist... but you had something buggering with your back
it had ached horribly since your last battle on the field the previous day
apparently, the respawn machine bugged and didn't get rid of the bruise on your back from the enemy spy
of course, the wound was healed... just not so much the pain.
so medic checked it out!
"Ah, I see... can I see your back, junge?"
once you lifted the back of your shirt, medic gently placed two hands on the lower sides of you
asked if he could see if there was anything physically upsetting in the muscle... but when his cold hands grazed your skin, you jolted away
medic was wide-eyed and pulled his hands back before cracking into a smirk
"Cold, Liebe?"
extra tender when he checks up on you
but in other cases, he'd probably keep his hands to himself - i'd imagine he's not very physical in other scenarios
sniper likes his space... we all know this
the guy is a loner! of course he's touch starved and touch puts him into overdrive!
but when you guys started dating, he eased more into the whole physical touch aspect of it
small things like shoulder-to-shoulder, hand-in-hand, all that goodness... but he decided to take a small leap
you two were sitting in the rec room... he was laid back in his seat with you beside and separate from his chair.
his hand snaked up your back and started to caress the back of your neck
almost immediately pulled back when you let out a small yelp
"Sorry, roo... didn't mean ta' startle ya."
feels so bad until you explain it to him
he thought he did somethin' bad or embarrassing HAHA
he's very new to this whole touch thing give him a second
but once he realizes that you're just sensitive/ticklish in those areas, he laughed it off
was so relieved
kisses the back of your neck all the time
light little kisses on your shoulder too
ugh I love him so much
and he loves you SOOO gd much like ugh :(
always finding ways to touch or caress you
sneaky little shit too
whenever you two are on the field he'll slip by you and his fingertips will graze your back to your hips
when I say the others are drunk off of your reactions?? spy is an ALC. O. HOL. IC.
drinking in your flushed cheeks, widened eyes, stiffened figure... god he fucking loves it
and he honestly loves the power he has over you
to make you feel a certain way with his touch alone (sensitivities aside) drives him CRAAZYYYY
but he understands if you don't want to be touched if you're sensitive in negative way
he respects you and your space through and through
that's no lie!
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badchoicesworld · 2 years ago
heard you were desperate for requests!
im oriented aroace and i'd LOVE to see a hobie x spider!reader where they're not dating or putting labels on it, they're just in a mutually loving and supportive symbiosis. everyone in the spiderverse keeps trying to figure out if they're in a relationship or not and are incredibly confused that hobie will straight up kiss the reader's neck and they'll give him massages at work but they refuse to say they're a couple
where you and hobie have the most loving connection, but don’t label it
hobie brown x gn!reader
u just like me fr i miss when u could platonically kiss people, was that just me ?
warnings: none
pairing: hobie brown x gn!reader
requests: OPEN
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★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
so you two have a completely unlabelled dynamic that benefits the both of you w the untethered love you can just casually give out without really giving a second thought
there might be something romantic, there might not be- you’re not naming it anything at all
it’s completely natural for the two of you to hold hands, kiss, comfort each other and generally just be there whenever the two of you need it
you’re not afraid of PDA, especially if hobie’s involved. you physically cannot shy away from PDA, the man simply won’t allow it
naturally, speculation will start over your guys’ relationship and the exact details
are you dating ? is it something less or more ? is this a prank ?
but those questions remain unanswered
hobie will either shrug or say something along the lines of “we’re just there for each other,” or if he’s feeling a bit snarky he’s like “wouldn’t you like to know” but that fucker knows what you’ve got going on don’t got a label at all, just the way he likes it
again, you two will straight up refuse to confirm or deny questions about your relationship- it’s no one’s business but yours and you both are completely comfortable remaining unlabelled but loving as fuck
cause why do we even need to label that at all ? stop limiting love u fucks
hobie views it as people tryna dictate your relationship sometimes and he doesn’t give it the time of day
actual benefits of this dynamic ? spontaneous affection whenever you need it, words of affirmation.. hobie’s capable of being real loving i think
almost always has an arm around you, especially around spider society
within HQ there’s always an arm around your shoulder or maybe you guys hold hands, he likes to playfully tug you along with him randomly while you hold hands
like you could literally just be following a group together and for some reason he’s pulling at your hand as if you’re walking the wrong way, y’know he’s smiling too while he does it
you two are probably way too comfortable around HQ, too
especially since you guys don’t really label your relationship as anything, so you don’t see why you should hide certain actions if they’re not inherently romantic, y’know ?
spider-people can literally find hobie chilling in ur lap whenever in headquarters while he fixes his makeup or you fix it for him
you can swear on ur life it’s just a more practical way to do it, or that you’re just lending a hand
dozens of spider-people are so sure you’re dating, it’s split evenly down the middle
the other half think ur gross and need to get a room
there’s probably one or two hobie x you fanatics out there (pav, it’s pav. probably peter b too, loves young love)
you guys don’t help your case when you get back from missions and hobie’s massaging your hands from swinging all day- if you’ve got organic webs he’s working away the kinks in your wrists too
hopefully he’s wearing a mask to hide that concentrated, idle look he’s wearing that’s somehow charming
the speculators are even further convinced when you’re eating one of those miguel burgers in the cafeteria and hobie appears from literally nowhere, bends down to kiss you on the side of your neck while he snatches some of your food and then walks off
daylight robbery
now everyone at the table is perplexed, including you when you realise he just stole ur fucking chips
in meetings you two are fucking insufferable i just know it
if you’re more sensible, you can probably distract hobie by letting him draw on your hands during the meeting
if not, you two always sit together and are so bothersome (ily)
plz stop snickering in the back miguel cant take this stress in his old age
naps around spider-society are top tier
make like a web hammock suspended from anything and you two are sharing it, out like a light
hobie loves it cause he’s simultaneously shitting on the establishment while he gets to bask in the comfort you two share
probably a community game about the locations people have found you guys slacking
loves it when he can come back from a mission and kiss you casually before telling you all about it, pulling you away from everyone else with an arm around your neck
you are not spared from his typical hobie-ness however, still preaches anarchism to you on the daily while saying the most outrageous punk statements like you guys don’t share a bed every other day
he just incorporated compliments into it somehow to be supportive
“you’d make a great anarchist” thanks man
miguel will claim you guys cause a hostile work environment and all hobie’s gotta say is “i don’t believe in hostile work environments” before walking off w you to go set a miguel burger on fire or smthn
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
if hobie drew on me i’m getting that shit tattooed i’m just sayin
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fullofbees · 8 months ago
Obey Me Brothers with an AroAce MC!
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I know it's technically July 1st but shhhhhhhhh
CW: None!
»»----------► Reader is Gender Neutral
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He would be the most nonchalant about it. When you first come out to him, he lifts his head from the desk, staring at you confused. You sweat, about to overexplain before he interrupts you with a question. 
“Will this affect our relationship as it exists now?”   You shake your head, “Of course not, I’m more than content.”  He nods, returning to the paperwork on his desk, the silence only broken by the scribbles of his pen. You remain in place, now the one staring in confusion.  When he notices you haven’t left, he raises his head, “Everything alright?”  “I’m just shocked. Most people have a few... follow-up questions.”  Lucifer shrugs, “Lust isn’t my department.” 
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He would first ask a million questions trying to understand. It’s not that I don’t think Mammon couldn’t understand, I think it’s more that he genuinely does not care what you identify as, but he wants to learn about you so he’s going to pester you about it. So long as you remain his friend, and he gets to retain his bragging rights as your first demon, you’ll always be cool. 
You try to keep up as he drags you down the street.   “Mammon, why do I need to go the casino with you again?”  The demons rolls his eyes like you just asked the most ridiculous question in the world, “Pffft! You’re my lucky charm of course.”   “I am not playing the slots for you!”  You almost ram straight into his back when he abruptly stops.   “Don’t need ya to. I’ll be sure ta win with an ace up my sleeve!”   Now its your turn to roll your eyes, at least so you don’t have to look at his smug face. It’ll only encourage him. 
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When you first explain your orientation to Levi, he is excited. You know Levi gets easily flustered when it comes to emotions, but he’s made great strides to let you see his vulnerability, so in the end you decided to show yours too. It still doesn’t mean you were expecting him to start on another anime ramble. 
“That makes so much sense!! I mean in My Whole Life I’ve Been a Cat but A Wizard Recently Made Me Human and Now I Have to Attend High School Where a Pack of Dogs Is Out to Get Me Because I’m The Adopted Daughter of Their Rival Gang Leader, the protagonist never receives a love interest! I totally thought they were retconning the manga when they had her turning down every declaration of love but her being aroace would fit the storyline so much better--” 
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Already understands; you don’t even have to explain the terms to him. 
“Wait, you.. Know what I’m talking about?”  The demon glances up at you from his book, “That is what I just said.”  “Wha- from what- how?” You hate blathering incoherently, especially in front of Satan, but his reaction is not what you were expecting.  The demon raises his book so that you can see the cover, “Sherlock Holmes.”  You process the comical nature of this interaction before quipping back, “Yes, I suppose it is elementary.” 
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Would probably go overboard in his support. Of course he means well, he’s just excited!! He goes out of his way to stay up-to-date on the tea news of the community; and honestly, he probably finds you the most obscure pride merch. 
“You should let me paint your nails the colors of the flag, hon!”  You stare down at your plain, dry nailbeds. They are definitely overdue some TLC.  “I don’t know if I want to be that on the nose about it...”  “Oh hush, I’ve never disappointed you before, have I?” He says with a giggle and a wink, “C’mon, chop chop! Off to my studio!”   “You mean your room?” You tease.  “Studiiiioo~”  
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Finds out because he overheard you discussing the garlic bread and cake memes.  
“Aroace cake.... sound delicious, what’s in it?” The hungry demon asks just after his signature stomach growl.  “It’s not a real cake, Beel,” says Levi.  The poor demon’s face drops, now pouting as he looks down at his aching stomach.   “Beel, you okay?”  He dejectedly sulks out of the room and towards the kitchen, muttering to himself about the cake being a lie. 
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I think Belphie would understand it to a startling degree. He has never had any serious relationships himself, finding that he already feels fulfilled with his friends and family. Perhaps you can help him explore this new revelation.  
“Mmm, it must be nice, actually. Less time wasted, more time for naps.”  “I never thought of it like that before... I should take more naps.”  He nods with a sleepy grin, patting the cushion next to him, “Who needs a thirst trap when you can have your first nap?” 
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•••✦ ❤ ✦••• Submit A Request •••✦ ❤ ✦•••
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A/N: Happy Pride Month from your fellow aroace author! Wishing you all the best <3
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aayakashii · 6 months ago
if you feel bothered by this question, feel free to delete, im just genuinely curious why you don't write for ships? /genq im really just curious
No no it's okay!! Actually thanks for asking this in a nice way lmao
How can I explain this. I have always had a really hard time seeing most (keyword: most) relationships in media as something else besides friendships or queerplatonic relationships.
For a very long time, I thought something was wrong with me lol but then I found out that some aroace people feel like this too – not all aroace ppl, obviously!! And that's not to say I don't ship ever, because I do (one of the ships I would go to war for is Nami x Vivi from One Piece), but I also do have a harder time seeing interactions between canon characters in a way that isn't queerplatonic most of the time. And to understand WHY, I had to first discover myself as someone who's in the aromantic spectrum.
Anyway, this makes it easier for me to write x reader stories because the reader themself is kind of a blank slate? I can develop in my mind how they'll feel/react/think, and the same goes for the canon characters – I can set in my mind how they react to a reader that acts in the specific way I'm writing, which makes it easier for me to see why and/or how they fell for the reader.
Long story short, I'm in the ace-spec and the aro-spec and this changes the way I perceive things
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Disclaimeeerrr: not all aroace ppl feel like this; some have an entirely opposite experience, and that's OKAY, sexual and romantic orientations aren't set in stone after all etc etc etc I'm just giving my own perspective in this specific matter okayyyy thanks
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hxney-lemcn · 2 years ago
The Fall — Connor x gn! demi! reader
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summery: Connor asks a personal question which leads to reader explaining their sexual orientation. Which ends up in a confession and fluffiness.
tw: anxiety attack, mentions of being invalidated
a/n: Super self indulgent. I may be aroace but I will live in this fantasy as long as I want.
wc: 1.5k
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I felt frustrated. Oh so frustrated. I typically would spend my spare time reading. No, not reading novels or books like I probably should. It was kind of embarrassing to admit, but yes. I read fanfic. It’s not a crime, okay. But recently, I couldn’t pay attention to it, my mind drifting off to someone else instead. Every time too. I would be reading about my favorite characters and then think about him instead. Which led me to stare at my phone when I had free time and come up with scenarios that would potentially befall us. Not only did it waste my phone battery, but it also makes me look dumb just staring at nothing. 
I found myself in a similar situation at the moment. The t.v. droned on, some video or show, I wasn’t completely sure. I let out a small huff, tossing my phone gently onto my stomach. I turned my gaze to Connor, who happened to already be staring at me. 
Connor invited me out to Hank's house today. Just to hang out. I accepted, deeming that I need to socialize with people more…and maybe because that meant I could hang out with Connor. Hank was off who knows where, telling Sumo to watch over us. Which led us to sit on the couch and watch something. I was curled into one side of the couch, a light blanket keeping me warm.
“May I ask a personal question?” Connor asked, head tilting to the side in that cute puppy-like manner. 
“Shoot,” I replied, putting my full attention on him. 
“Have you ever been in a romantic relationship?” He asked, curious brown eyes boring into me. 
A range of emotions washed over me. Nervousness as to the implications this could mean, but also nervousness to what I was going to have to explain. I’m demiromantic, which meant that I had to get to know a person real well before even thinking about entering a romantic relationship with them. But I never really liked anyone like that for years…until now. 
Which meant that I had little to no experience when it came to dating. And I honestly believed that it would stay that way. Which I didn’t mind, don’t get me wrong. I was content on my own with my pets…but I always wanted something more with someone. To be special to someone. Which led me to reading fanfic. 
“No,” I replied hesitantly. 
Connor’s brows furrowed, a slight frown settled on his lips, “I don’t understand.”
I frowned in confusion as well, “What don’t you get?” His stare moved back to me and it was intense, some feeling I couldn’t put my finger on was swimming through his eyes.
“How someone as amazing as you haven’t found anyone yet,” Connor stated. 
I felt my heart rate accelerate and I tried to hide how flustered that statement made me, but I also knew he could scan me and find out without me even realizing. How could he say something like that so unabashed? He thinks I’m amazing? Does that mean he admires me? God, the thought alone made me feel all warm and fuzzy. 
“It’s…hard to explain,” I shrugged, looking towards the t.v. only to notice it was shut off. Connor stayed silent, eyes pleading for me to continue. I let out a small sigh, ready to fall into the usual spiel, “I’m demiromantic. I need to get to know someone real well before even thinking about anything more than friends, and the people I start to like never really saw me as anything more than a friend so I’ve never dated or anything.”
“How long does it take for you to gain these romantic interests? If I may ask,” Connor asked, his body moving closer in curiosity. 
Once again I just shrugged, trying to not think about how surprisingly quick I found myself falling for the handsome android sitting next to me. It still took longer than what the media portrays, at least a month, but that was quick for me. 
“It depends,” I finally answered. “I haven’t been interested in many people, I could probably count the amount on one hand.” I let out a small chuckle at the thought. “Why do you ask?”
My eyes were drawn to Connor’s led as it spun yellow. It even blinked red for a second and I grew concerned. Did…was he going to invalidate me somehow? Tell me I’m just trying to label myself and that what I felt was normal? It’s happened more than I’d like to think, but I trusted Connor, so if he said anything like that I wasn’t sure what I’d do. 
“I don’t wish to make you uncomfortable,” Connor finally managed to speak out. I moved to sit more upright, scooting closer to him. I gently placed a hand on his shoulder, and he seemed to relax a bit under me, the artificial muscles moving under my hand. 
“I trust you, Connor,” I spoke up. “I know if something comes out wrong you don’t mean it in a bad way.” 
“That’s not,” Connor huffed, shaking his head. My eyes fell onto that small piece of hair on his forehead, but I ignored the urge to push it back into place. His led once again blipped red before settling on yellow. “You produce these feelings inside of me, things I haven’t felt around anyone else. Hank has made some comments…and I believe this feeling is love, or strong attraction at the very least, but with this newfound information…”
Connor’s concerned, fearful look along with all the words he just spoke put my brain in overdrive. What? He…no. No…I…do I like him like that? I mean, yes I’m attracted to him, and yes, the idea of being in a relationship with him makes my heart pound faster. 
I pulled my hand away from him, scooting away slightly. I clenched my fists against my knees, staring down at the carpet floor like it would give me all the answers. I barely recognized his honeyed voice call my name in concern. I didn’t notice how his led settled on a deep red. I was too wrapped up in my own feelings, suddenly overwhelmed by everything. 
Scared, I was scared. Isn’t this what I wanted? Someone to like me? But was I in love with the idea of that? Or did I actually like Connor? I don’t want to start a relationship with the wrong intentions. Connor doesn’t deserve to be hurt. But I really really like him. Yeah, I like him. As a person. I like spending time with him. I like talking with him, I like helping him with his still newfound deviancy. 
Oh god, what if he only liked me because I was the first person to be kind to him? No, no it’s not my place to question his feelings. It’s all new to him as well. This is new to both of us…the thought alone made me relax a bit. I took a deep breath, and then another. Would it hurt to just try out a relationship? It’s Connor after all, and if it doesn’t work I don’t think it’d end too terribly…
With one last deep breath, I opened my eyes, feeling a lot calmer than I did a few seconds ago. I felt guilty as Connor fidgeted with his quarter, led bright red, eyes searching for something in mine. 
“Sorry,” I apologized nervously. “I…just got a bit overwhelmed.” Connor looked scared, he opened his mouth, but closed it. He seemed afraid he’d say something wrong. 
“Like I said, I’ve never been in a romantic relationship,” I explained. “And…I guess I kinda thought I’d never get a chance. So you saying that you…” The word felt heavy as it sat on my tongue. “...are strongly attracted to me…I guess it kinda scared me. I’ve never dealt with this before, and didn’t think I’d have to. Not that it’s bad or anything! Because I like you too, I’m just…scared.”
Connors led spun yellow, processing what I had just said. Finally it settled on a serene blue, his face morphed from fear, to relief, to settling on pure joy.
“I also don’t have experience in this field,” Connor replied. “I was built with a social programme, but it didn’t include anything to do with romantic human relations. I would like to learn with you.” 
Heat simmered through me, heart beating faster and I felt inexplicably happy. So happy, I had no idea what to do with this newfound energy bursting through me. I stared at Connor, his cute freckles, deep brown eyes, perfect eyebrows, full lips, to that damned piece of hair still out of place. It was hard to believe someone who looked so perfect would want to be with me. 
Trying to calm myself from doing something I’d regret, I lifted my hand up and brushed that piece of hair up and into place. Connor closed his eyes, tilting his head closer to my hand. I couldn’t help but marvel at how soft his hair felt. 
Continuing to brush his hair gently, I finally replied, “I wouldn’t want to learn with anyone else.”
Connor opened his eyes, his smile seeming to split at the seams. My heartrate spiked once more as I finally could put a word to the look in his eyes when he looked at me. Love.
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philicheesecake · 1 year ago
Heyo, so I’ve been getting a LOT of comments on my comic ever since I started releasing it suggesting Eli and Warren have got romantic chemistry and I have clarified many times that Eli is aroace and specifically on a part of the spectrum where he is not interested in s3x or romance in any way, and Warren is also on the aroace spectrum, similarly aligned.
It’s okay to have your own imagination on literature as long as you don’t erase queer identities, and ace and aro identities are erased a LOT and have very little representation in media.
I know as an author I can’t control how people interpret my works, but all that I ask is that readers remain respectful of asexual and aromantic identities and do not try to insistently publicly erase them in order to fulfill their own fantasies. I understand these people don’t have any malicious intents when they want to ship Eli and Warren together, but just please try to be more conscious of your thoughts before pushing it onto aroace authors online. Aroace people on my side of the spectrum hear it ALL the time where our identities are belittled and erased, or shoved onto another side of the spectrum where we don’t align, or completely outside of our orientation altogether, and it can feel kind of icky for that to happen to our characters as well. Sometimes us aroace authors just wanna write a story where two characters can be around each other without being in a relationship.
Aromantic people who like to be in relationships are valid.
Aromantic people who don’t want to be in a relationship are valid.
Asexual people who like intimate relationships are valid.
Asexual people who don’t want intimate relationships are valid.
All parts of the aroace spectrum are valid.
It’s all a spectrum, and one side existing doesn’t negate the other.
That’s all I’m sayin’ 🤷
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selfaware-bungou-stray-dogs · 10 months ago
What bsd cast react if reader is genderfluid and aroace??
They will do a research, before going to the real world. Research about who genderfluids are, what pronounce BSD Cast should use for Reader, if Reader have any problems because of being a genderfluid.
Same with aroace. What BSD Cast should keep in mind, if Reader have problems in real life because of their orientation.
They want to come to the real world as prepared, as they can.
BSD Cast will be extremely respectful towards Reader. They will help Reader, if(or when) they have gender dysphoria, BSD Cast will protect Reader from people, who hate Reader because of their identity or orientation, etc.
If Reader's family disown Reader because of been a genderfluid and aroace, BSD Cast will help Reader find a new home. They will secretly avenge Reader, by sending all "dirt" they could find to family's workplaces/community/friends.
In a nutshell: BSD cast will be respectful and supportive.
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screaming-cicada · 2 years ago
QPR headcanons w/ RoTTMNT
headcanons \ aro-spec reader \ GN reader \ Non-Romantic (platonic or alterous) \ second person
A/n: I got a surge of aro joy so im writing this. yea. this is short but its all i got
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- Very happy when you asked him to be in a QPR! Like his face lit up
- CUDDLE BUG!! Physical affection is his favorite; doesn’t have a preference on who’s holding who
- You and Raph are the DDR reigning champions.
- Really really loves holding your hand
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- ngl i might be projecting a bit but he is kinda arospec/allo he’s literally the arospec flag
- bonks his forehead on yours, it’s like kissing for him.
- you guys do really dumb shit all the time.
- “I bet i can fit 20 tater-tots in my mouth at once!” “That’s rookie numbers; make it 30.”
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- He’s oriented aroace, as we all know
- You're his new lab assistant? yes. he literally calls you his lab assistant (affectionate)
- Not that into physical affection but will hold hands (to secretly stim)
- Please for the love of god make him go to bed
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- Sweetest boy! you guys are like inseparable
- He often cooks with you, making up new recipes and letting you taste test them
- Glomps you i guess? (idk i wasn’t on the internet when that was a common word)
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April O'Neil
- Bestest bestie that ever bestied
- She puts her arm around your shoulder almost every time you’re in the same place
- Riding bikes in central park! Yes!
- Talks with you so much, it’s great
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edgeray · 8 months ago
Heyyy, I really like your work and the way you write! I know you said you won't write requests that are too specific, so I'm not sure if this is acceptable, but could you maybe write something about arlecchino with an asexual reader (preferably afab please)? It doesn't have to be very long, I would just be interested to hear your thoughts on how arle would approach such a relationship.
Thank you for your time and I hope that you have a great day / night!
Hi anon! I'm glad you enjoy my work!! ^^ Thanks for requesting <3. Although I typically don't see myself writing these kinds of things (were it for any other sexual identity, I would not be writing this), as an afab aroace myself, I thought I might as well tackle this one. This won't be a request, however, because this is a bit vague and I wouldn't really know what to write about for a full on request, so this will just be a silly axolotl's thoughts!
I imagine that Arlecchino with an asexual partner wouldn't be much different with a partner with any other sexual orientation (minus heterosexuality of course). Romantically, she'd treat you the same, how sexually attracted you are to her or how interested you are in sex is not one of her concerns. Among the plethora of things she has to worry about (Harbinger duties, her children, you), sex is going to be at the very bottom (my personal headcanon).
Arlecchino expects you to be upfront with your asexuality and assert your boundaries and what you want/need from her. She will adjust her sexual activity to however you need it too (unless it's to a crazy high libido, she don't have the time to be fucking all day), because the sex will matter as to her as much as it matters to you.
To Arlecchino, sex is an afterthought, and there's not much she would change about her relationship or her approach to one. What matters to her the most is a stable, meaningful connection with you, and sex is not a determining factor for that.
Hope this is okay and answers your ask, anon!
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